About Us

About Conference

The First International Conference Krmiva 1993, held in 1993 in Opatija, Croatia, was organized by Slavko Lulić, B.Sc., ing. agr., director of the company Krmiva d.o.o. from Zagreb, and associates. They have been driven by the idea that it was necessary to gather and exchange the most recent scientific and technological achievements related to the feeding of domestic animals and their welfare.

Since that time, the KRMIVA international conference has been scheduled to be held at the same time, at the beginning of June, and at the same location – in Opatija at the Ambasador Hotel – in cooperation with the Faculty of Agriculture from Zagreb, the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences from Osijek, and the European Association of Agronomy Engineers (EurAgEng). The conference always runs for three days. The main name of the International Conference, KRMIVA, must be marked by the year it was held, and the conference’s serial number is written in Roman numerals. (XV INTERNATIONAL Conference, “KRMIVA 2008”)

The International Conference KRMIVA covers a wide range of topics from the field of feeding domestic animals, livestock production, the production of animal feed, the quality and safety of livestock feed and animal products, and ecological and legal topics associated with animal husbandry over the a three-day period through workshops, consultations, lectures, and book presentations.

The best experts from Croatia and around the world come together for this conference to share their knowledge, the research results of the most recent studies, latest developments in the production and quality control of animal feed, and successful case studies from the field in order to proactively present positive changes in animal production.

The International Conference KRMIVA provides an opportunity for the presentation and exchange of latest information and experiences among scientists and experts in the fields of feeding domestic animals and feed mixture production technology.

The success of the International Conference KRMIVA  significantly relies on the engagement and activity of the production sector and their specialists, who connect their practical work with new knowledge and contribute to the progress of their companies. They made a significant contribution to the conference by verifying that they are the ones who use the scientific information given during the lectures and workshops at the International Conference KRMIVA, in furthermore them to the production results.

The International Conference KRMIVA is open to companies, scientific institutions, government institutions, and all other parties with a serious interest in these topics.

Numerous domestic animal breeders and producers of animal feed benefited from the knowledge gained from the discussions, which also made it possible for new studies that will help us in the future in advanced animal production.

It is important to note the contribution of the partnership between the International conference KRMIVA and the scientific and professional magazine of the Croatian Agronomic Society, KRMIVA. The magazine contains a large number of articles from the International Conference KRMIVA.

The International Conference KRMIVA provides an opportunity to meet colleagues and exchange personal experiences, making the conference more than just lectures and education.

The following scientific institutions take part in the International Conference KRMIVA on a regular basis:

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Zagreb, Biotechnical Faculty – Domžale, Slovenia, Faculty of Animal Science University of Kaposvar – Kaposvar, Hungary, Faculty of Biology and Animal Science of Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences – Wroclaw, Poland, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences – Brno, Czech Republic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Lublin, Poland, Faculty of Agriculture – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faculty of Agriculture – Skopje, Macedonia, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faculty of Agriculture – Maribor, Slovenia, College of Agriculture in Križevci – Križevci, Slovak University of Agriculture – Nitra, Slovakia, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Ljubljana, Slovenia, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Belgrade, Serbia, Sapientia – Hungarian University of Transylvania – Csikszereda, Romania, Institute Ruđer Bošković – Zagreb, National Research Institute of Animal Production in Krakow National Feed Laboratory – Lublin, Poland, Institute of Animal Science – Skopje, Macedonia, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bitola – Macedonia, University of Applied Sciences – Velika Gorica, Institute of Animal Science – Zemun, Serbia, Institute for the State Control of Veterinary Biologicals and Medicaments – Brno, Czech Republic, Central Institute for Supervision and Testing in Agriculture Brno, Czech Republic and Polish Association of Feed Producers – Warsaw, Poland.

Scientifific Committe of the Conference

Co-Chairs of the Scientific Committe of the Conference

  • Prof. dr. sc. Zvonko AntunovićFaculty of Agrobiotehnical Sciences - Osijek, Croatia
  • Prof. dr. sc. Zlatko JanječićFaculty of Agruculture – Zagreb, Croatia

Organizing Committee

Chair of the Conference Organizing Committee

  • Mario Modrić, B. Sc., ing. agr., Krmiva d.o.o., Zagreb

Executive head of the Conference Organizing Committee

  • Nenad Fuchs, dr. vet. med.

Members of the Organizing Committee

  • Drago Kušić, Kušić promet d.o.o., Donje Psarjevo
  • Boris Fabijanić, dr. vet. med., Zagreb
  • Biserka Šafran Fuchs, B. Sc., ing. agr., Zagreb
  • Neven Debelić, Krmiva d.o.o., Zagreb